N/AClinical Study ID
Ages 18-50 All Genders Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Study Summary
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Provision of signed and dated informed consent form (ICF);
Stated willingness to comply with all study procedures and availability for theduration of the study;
Healthy Caucasian adult male or female;
If female, meets one of the following criteria: A. Physiological postmenopausal status, defined as the following:
absence of menses for at least one year prior to the first study drugadministration (without an alternative medical condition); and
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels ≥40 mIU/mL at screening; or B. Surgical postmenopausal status, defined as the following:
bilateral oophorectomy; and
absence of menses for at least 90 days prior to the first study drugadministration; and
FSH levels ≥ 40 mIU/mL at screening; or C. Hysterectomy with FSH levels ≥ 40mIU/mL at screening. If the postmenopausal subject has an FSH of < 40 mIU/mL, butmeets the above criteria in either (A), (B) or (C) and all the other inclusioncriteria, the subject may be included in the study if the estradiol serum levelmeasured at screening is equal to or below 150 pmol/L;
Aged at least 18 years but not older than 50 years;
Body mass index (BMI) within 18.50 kg/m2 to 30.00 kg/m2, inclusively;
Non- or ex smoker (An ex smoker is defined as someone who completely stopped usingnicotine products for at least 180 days prior to the first study drug administration);
Clinical laboratory values within the laboratory's stated normal range; if not withinthis range, they must be without clinical significance, as determined by aninvestigator;
Have no clinically significant (CS) diseases captured in the medical history orevidence of CS findings on the physical examination (including vital signs) and/orelectrocardiogram (ECG), as determined by an investigator.
Exclusion Criteria:
Female who is lactating at screening;
Female who is pregnant according to the pregnancy test at screening;
Seated pulse rate less than 50 beats per minute (bpm) or more than 100 bpm at thescreening visit and prior to the first study drug administration;
Seated blood pressure below 110/60 mmHg at the screening visit and prior to the firststudy drug administration;
History of significant hypersensitivity to olmesartan and HCTZ or any related products (including excipients of the formulations) as well as severe hypersensitivityreactions (like angioedema) to any drugs;
Presence or history of significant gastrointestinal, liver or kidney disease, or anyother condition that is known to interfere with drug absorption, distribution,metabolism or excretion, or known to potentiate or predispose to undesired effects;
History of significant cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematologic, neurological,psychiatric, endocrine, immunologic or dermatologic disease;
Presence of CS ECG abnormalities at the screening visit, as defined by medicaljudgment;
History of rare hereditary problems of galactose and/or lactose intolerance, lactasedeficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption;
Maintenance therapy with any drug or significant history of drug dependency or alcoholabuse (> 3 units of alcohol per day [1 unit = 10 mL of pure alcohol], intake ofexcessive alcohol, acute or chronic);
Any CS illness in the 28 days prior to the first study drug administration;
Use of any prescription drugs (with the exception of hormonal contraceptives orhormone replacement therapy) in the 28 days prior to the first study drugadministration, that in the opinion of an investigator would put into question thestatus of the participant as healthy;
Any history of tuberculosis;
Positive test result for alcohol and/or drugs of abuse at screening or prior to thefirst drug administration;
Positive screening results to HIV Ag/Ab combo, hepatitis B surface antigen orhepatitis C virus tests;
Inclusion in a previous group for this clinical study;
Intake of olmesartan medoxomil or HCTZ in the 28 days prior to the first study drugadministration;
Intake of an Investigational Product (IP) in the 28 days prior to the first study drugadministration;
Donation of 50 mL or more of blood in the 28 days prior to the first study drugadministration;
Donation of 500 mL or more of blood (Canadian Blood Services, Hema-Quebec, clinicalstudies, etc.) in the 56 days prior to the first study drug administration.
Study Design
Study Description
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Altasciences Company Inc.
Mont-Royal, Quebec H3P 3P1
CanadaActive - Recruiting
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