Last updated: March 4, 2024
Sponsor: Instituto de Medicina Regenerativa
Overall Status: Active - Recruiting
Neoantigen Peptides
Clinical Study ID
Ages > 16 All Genders
Study Summary
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- 16 years of age or older, male or female
- Life expectancy of at least 3 months
- Confirmed tumor by imaging studies
- Have adequate organ function, as measured by laboratory values: Lymphocyte ratio >20%;WBC >3.0×10^9/L; alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) ≤2.5 × ULN; if the patient has liver metastases, ALT and AST ≤5 × ULN; Alkalinephosphatase (ALP)≤2.5 × ULN; total serum bilirubin (TBIL) < 1.5 × ULN; Urea nitrogen (BUN)≤1.5 × ULN; Creatinine (Cr)1.5≤ULN; Normal blood coagulation function, urineroutine, and electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Available tumor specimen for sequencing and neoantigen determination
- Ability to find 3 or more neoantigen epitopes
- Ability to follow research and follow-up procedures
- Able to understand and willing to sign an IRB approved written informed consentdocument
- Agree with the use of contraception or partner of child-bearing potential agrees touse adequate contraception which will include two of the following: hormonal orbarrier method of birth control, or abstinence prior to study entry, for the durationof study participation, and for 30 days following completion of therapy
Exclusion Criteria:
- History of immunodeficiency disorder or autoimmune condition requiring activeimmunosuppressive therapy
- Evidence of Liver and kidney dysfunction, severe heart disease, or coagulationdysfunction
- Known diagnosis of an infectious condition including hepatitis, HIV, CMV, andTreponema pallidum
- Participant becomes pregnant and/or is breastfeeding or plans on becoming pregnantduring study
- A psychiatric illness that would limit compliance with study requirements asdetermined by the investigator or the investigator believes that participant is notsuitable for inclusion
Study Design
Total Participants: 100
Treatment Group(s): 1
Primary Treatment: Neoantigen Peptides
Phase: 1
Study Start date:
May 12, 2022
Estimated Completion Date:
June 20, 2026
Study Description
Connect with a study center
Instituto de Medicina Regenerativa
Tijuana, Baja California 22100
MexicoActive - Recruiting
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