Tic Disorders
Neurofeedback from control region
Neurofeedback from the SMA
Clinical Study ID
Ages 10-16 All Genders
Study Summary
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Boys and girls, 10 to 16 years of age
A current diagnosis of Tourette Syndrome (TS) or chronic tic disorder (CTD), withactive tics that can be executed without head movement, and a YGTSS score of atleast 13 (for TS participants) or at least 12 (for CTD participants)
Currently stable medication treatment and no planned changes in medication for theduration of the study.
Family residence within 2 hours of Yale Medical Center with ability and willingnessto attend assessment and fMRI visits.
Children and their parents are expected to be able to speak and understand spokenEnglish in order to participate in a clinical assessment of TS and relatedpsychopathology.
Subjects will be free of: 1) metal medical implants or braces, 2) pregnancy, andwill have 3) a body weight of less than 250 lbs. and 4) no claustrophobia.
Exclusion Criteria:
Intelligence quotient below 80
Current diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, bipolar or psychotic disorder orcurrent suicidality
Significant medical condition such as heart disease, hypertension, liver or renalfailure, pulmonary disease, seizure disorder
Recently initiated psychotherapy. Participation in the study will not be allowedwithin 8 weeks of the initiation of psychotherapy. Ongoing, concurrent psychotherapy (that was initiated at least 8 weeks previously) for the child will be allowed, butparents will be asked not to initiate any new psychotherapy for the child during thestudy
Subjects may also be excluded after the first MR scan if we are unable to localizethe two regions in their brain that are used as targets for the active and controlneurofeedback conditions.
Study Design
Study Description
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Yale University School of Medicine
New Haven, Connecticut 06520
United StatesActive - Recruiting
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