Lung Disease
N-acetyl cysteine
Clinical Study ID
Ages 18-65 All Genders
Study Summary
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Aged 18 to 65 years
Willing and able to provide signed written consent prior to undertaking anytrial-related procedures, or, in the case of illiteracy, witnessed oral consent
Body weight (in light clothing without shoes) between 30 and 90 kg.
Radiographic evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis
Positive Xpert TB/RIF (original or Ultra) for MTB
RIF susceptibility diagnosed by Xpert TB/RIF, with subsequent culture confirmation
If sexually active, willing to use an effective contraceptive method for theduration of tuberculosis treatment
HIV-1 seronegative, or if HIV-1 seropositive, CD4 T cell count ≥100/µl and eitherreceiving ART or willing to start ART during study participation
SARS-CoV-2 PCR or antigen test negative, or if positive, either fully vaccinatedagainst Covid-19 or with D-dimer <0.8 ug/ml
Willing to adhere to a diet excluding tyramine-rich foods (certain mold-ripenedcheeses and cured meats), and to avoid eating grapefruits and pomelos
Exclusion Criteria:
Any condition for which participation in the trial, as judged by the investigator,could compromise the well-being of the subject or prevent, limit or confoundprotocol specified assessments
Current or imminent (within 24 hr) treatment for malaria.
Pregnant or nursing
Is critically ill, and in the judgment of the investigator has a diagnosis likely toresult in death during the trial or the follow-up period.
TB meningitis or spondylitis, or other forms of severe tuberculosis with high riskof a poor outcome as judged by the investigator.
History of allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the trial therapies or relatedsubstances.
Having participated in other clinical trials with investigational agents within 8weeks prior to trial start or currently enrolled in an investigational trial.
Prior TB treatment in the preceding 6 months
Angina pectoris requiring treatment with nitroglycerin or other nitrates
Cardiac arrhythmia requiring medication, or any clinically significant ECGabnormality, in the opinion of the investigator
History of unstable Diabetes Mellitus requiring hospitalization for hyper- orhypo-glycaemia within the past year prior to start of screening.
Use of systemic corticosteroids within the past 28 days.
Patients requiring treatment with medications not compatible with rifampin, such asHIV-1 protease inhibitors
Patients requiring treatment with antidepressants, including MAO inhibitors andSSRIs.
Subjects with any of the following abnormal laboratory values:
HBsAg positive
creatinine >2 mg/dL
hemoglobin <8 g/dL
platelets <100x109 cells/L
serum potassium <3.5 mM/L
alanine aminotransferase (ALT) ≥2.0 x ULN
alkaline phosphatase (AP) >5.0 x ULN
total bilirubin >1.5 mg/dL
random blood glucose >200 mg/dL
Study Design
Connect with a study center
Instituto Nacional de Saúde
MozambiqueActive - Recruiting
Clinical HIV Research Unit
Johannesburg, Gauteng 2092
South AfricaActive - Recruiting
The Clinical HIV Research Unit
Johannesburg, Gauteng 2092
South AfricaSite Not Available
The Aurum Institute: Tembisa Clinical Research Centre
Tembisa, Gauteng 1632
South AfricaActive - Recruiting
The Aurum Institute, Rustenburg Clinical Research Centre
Rustenburg, North West Provice 0299
South AfricaActive - Recruiting
George, Western Cape 6529
South AfricaActive - Recruiting
Clinical HIV Research Unit
Durban, 4015
South AfricaActive - Recruiting
The Aurum Institute, Gavin J Churchyard Legacy Centre (Klerksdorp Clinical Research Centre)
Klerksdorp, 2571
South AfricaActive - Recruiting
NIMR-Mbeya Medical Research Centre
TanzaniaActive - Recruiting
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