Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Als)
Myasthenia Gravis (Chronic Weakness)
Standard Electrical Stimulation During Functional Electrical Stimulation
Clinical Study ID
Ages 18-80 All Genders
Study Summary
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Patients with Upper Motor Neuron syndrome:
adult (> 18 years)
motor deficit due to an acquired traumatic or neurodegenerative motor deficiency ofthe central nervous system (MRC<4/5)
stable clinical condition, particularly on the cardiovascular level (recentassessment by a cardiologist with stress test)
non denervated muscles
tolerant to muscle electrical stimulation
having given written consent
able to cycle 30 minutes with FES-cycling
Exclusion Criteria:
major cognitive comprehension disorders that could compromise understanding of theprotocol and the smooth running of the study
cardiac pacemaker and other contraindications relating to the use ofelectrostimulation (in particularly "deep vein thrombosis")
spasticity of the lower limbs making flexion/extension movement difficult
participation in another study
people with the following legal and administrative states or situations:
people placed under judicial protection;
persons deprived of their liberty, persons subject to psychiatric care and personsadmitted to a health or social establishment for purposes other than that ofclinical investigation;
unemancipated minors;
people who are not affiliated to a social security scheme or beneficiaries of such ascheme
Study Design
Study Description
Connect with a study center
SMR Val Rosay
Saint didier au mont d'or, 69370
FranceActive - Recruiting
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