Premature Ejaculation
Sexual Dysfunction
Standard treatment (dapoxetine 30 mg as needed)
Placebo therapy
Tens therapy
Clinical Study ID
Ages 18-62 Male
Study Summary
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Primary premature ejaculation according to the definition of the InternationalSociety for Sexual Medicine (ISSM-International Society for Sexual Medicine) (30):a) ejaculation always or almost always occurs within the first minute afterpenetration, b) inability to delay ejaculation in all or almost all penetrations, c)negative personal consequences are generated, such as stress, annoyance, frustrationand/or avoidance of sexual intimacy.
Age between 18 and 62 years.
PEDT score greater than 11.
Stable heterosexual relationship for at least 6 months with interest in maintainingit for at least the duration of the study.
Sexual activity at least once a week.
Minimum chronicity of PD of 6 months.
Voluntary participation in the study.
Signing of the informed consent prior to participation in the study.
Exclusion Criteria:
IIEF-EF score less than 26.
Clinically significant comorbidity: cardiovascular, hepatic, thromboembolic,neurological, locomotor, endocrine, oncological, renal or rheumatological.
History of retroperitoneal surgery, radiotherapy or multiple sclerosis.
History of mental illness: depression, anxiety, suicidal behavior, bipolar disorder,agoraphobia, dysthymia, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumaticstress disorder, psychiatric disorder, reported by the patient or due to the use ofa medication for one of these conditions.
Consumption of medications that affect ejaculatory control such as psychiatricmedications, opioid analgesics, alpha blockers.
Treatment for PE in the last 3 months.
Treatment for epileptic syndromes or Parkinson's disease.
Use of pacemaker or cardiac defibrillator.
Skin lesions in the area where the electrodes are placed.
Abuse or dependence on psychoactive substances: alcohol, hallucinogenic drugs.
Couple who are pregnant or interested in conceiving a pregnancy in the next 3months.
Study Design
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Boston Medical Group
Ciudad de México, 01000
MexicoActive - Recruiting
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