Grape Seed Extract
Clinical Study ID
Ages > 25 All Genders
Study Summary
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Adults 25 years or older
Generally healthy
BMI 18 - 35kg/m2
Able to provide informed consent
Have prehypertensive blood pressure (systolic 120-139 mmHg and/or diastolic 80-89mmHg)
Agree to not change current diet and/or exercise frequency or intensity duringentire study period
Agree to not participate in another clinical trial while enrolled in this trial
Exclusion Criteria:
Those with a history of myocardial infarction, angina or bleeding disorders
Those who have uncontrolled thyroid diseases
Currently taking dietary supplements for circulation (e.g. fatty acids, CoQ10,L-arginine, red ginseng, ginseng, natto, ginkgo) or use of these in the last 1 month
Currently taking inflammation or circulatory associated medications (e.g.Pentoxifylline and vasodilators like nitroglycerin) or use of these in the last 1month
Currently taking statins medication including atorvastatin (e.g. Lipitor, Lorstat),fluvastatin (e.g. Lescol or Vastin), pravastatin (e.g. Pravachol, Cholstat),rosuvastatin (e.g. Cavstat, Crestor) or simvastatin (e,g, Lipex, Zocor, Zimstat).
Currently taking Coumadin, Marevan (Warfarin), Heparin, Dalteparin, Enoxaparin orother anticoagulation therapy, or substrates of P-glycoprotein including (but notlimited to) calcium channel blockers, cyclosporin, digoxin, erythromycin andprotease inhibitors(1).
Have a serious illness(2) e.g. mood disorders such as bipolar disorder, neurologicaldisorders such as MS, kidney disease, liver disease or heart conditions
Have an unstable illness(3) (i.e., changing medication/treatment)
Malignancy or treatment for malignancy within the previous 2 years (this excludesnon-melanoma (e.g. BCC and SCC) skin cancers not requiring radiation orchemotherapy)
Active smokers, nicotine use or drug (prescription or illegal substances) abuse
Chronic past and/or current alcohol use (>14 alcoholic drinks week)
Allergic to any of the ingredients in active or placebo formula
Pregnant or lactating woman or women trying to conceive
Any condition which in the opinion of the investigator makes the participantunsuitable for inclusion
Participated in another trial in the past 1 month
Any participant that begins taking antiplatelet medication during the trialwill be excluded from the study
A serious illness is a condition that carries a risk of mortality, negativelyimpacts quality of life and daily function and/or is burdensome in symptomsand/or treatments.
An unstable illness is any illness that is currently not being treated with astable dose of medication or is fluctuating in severity.
Study Design
Connect with a study center
RDC Clinical Pty Ltd
Brisbane, Queensland 4006
AustraliaActive - Recruiting
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