Eligible children will undergo preparation for intubation following the local Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) of the pediatric anesthesia departments. Mandatory monitoring
includes pulse oximetry (SpO2), heart rate (HR), and non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP).
Anesthesia Induction:
Where feasible, all children enrolled in this protocol will be pre-oxygenated for one
minute prior to induction of anesthesia using a face mask with FiO2 1.0 and a flow rate
of 6-10 L/min. Anesthesia induction for tracheal intubation will involve a combination of
sedative or hypnotic drugs, opioids, and a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant.
Required Medications (per protocol):
Neuromuscular Blocking Agent (NMBA): One of the following-Rocuronium 0.5-1 mg/kg,
Cis-Atracurium 0.2-0.5 mg/kg, Atracurium 0.5 mg/kg, Vecuronium 0.1 mg/kg, Mivacurium
0.2-0.3 mg/kg, or Succinylcholine 2 mg/kg.
Hypnotic Agent: One or more of the following-Thiopentone 4-7 mg/kg, Ketamine 0.5-2 mg/kg,
Propofol 1-4 mg/kg, Midazolam 0.5-1 mg/kg, or Sevoflurane up to 8%.
Optional Medications: An opioid and/or anticholinergic may be administered at the
anesthetist's discretion.
Pre-Intubation Preparation:
Following induction of anesthesia and administration of an NMBA, bag-mask ventilation
with FiO2 1.0 (flow rate of 6-10 L/min) will be performed for 60 seconds until apnea
occurs. To facilitate airway management, complete neuromuscular blockade will be
confirmed using train-of-four (TOF) monitoring. Oxygen administration, laryngoscopy, and
tracheal intubation will follow.
Intubation Procedure:
Oxygen administration during intubation is mandatory for all participants and will be
randomized as follows:
Apneic Oxygenation: Oxygen will be administered at 1 L/kg/min via a conventional nasal
cannula. Laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation will proceed following apneic oxygenation.
Standard Care: No apneic oxygenation will be administered. After induction, laryngoscopy
and tracheal intubation will proceed without additional oxygen support.
Tube Selection:
For premature neonates under 1 kg, an uncuffed tube with an internal diameter (ID) of 2.5
will be used.
For premature neonates and newborns between 1 kg and 3.0 kg, an uncuffed tube with ID 3.0
will be used.
For babies over 3.0 kg up to 8 months, a cuffed tube with ID 3.0 or an uncuffed tube with
ID 3.5 will be used.
For infants aged 8 to 12 months, a cuffed tube with ID 3.5 or an uncuffed tube with ID
4.0 will be used.
Oxygen delivery will follow the assigned randomization group, either via conventional
nasal cannula (apneic oxygenation) or standard care.
Laryngoscope Blade Selection:
For children weighing less than 1 kg, a Miller or Macintosh blade, size No. 0, will be
used. In cases of unexpected difficult intubation, the difficult airway algorithm will be
applied. After an unsuccessful first intubation attempt with the assigned flow rate,
clinical judgment will guide the intubating physician on whether to repeat the attempt
with the same flow rate or to modify the flow rate, blade size, or type of laryngoscope.
A maximum of four intubation attempts will be allowed, with the final attempt performed
by the most experienced physician present. Additional tools, such as a stylet or bougie,
may be used at any stage. If intubation remains unsuccessful, the difficult airway
algorithm will be applied, and a supraglottic airway (SGA) device will be inserted.