Capitalfederal, Argentina
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Study to evaluate HZN-825 in patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)
This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, repeat-dose, multicenter trial to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of HZN-825 in subjects with IPF. Subjects will be screened within 8 weeks prior to the Baseline (Day 1) Visit. Approximately 360 subjects who meet the trial eligibility criteria will be randomly assigned in a 1:1:1 ratio on Day 1 to receive HZN-825 300 mg QD, HZN-825 300 mg BID or placebo for 52 weeks using the following 2 stratification factors: Prior use of approved IPF therapy (i.e., nintedanib or pirfenidone): yes or no; FVC % predicted at Baseline: ≥70% or <70%.
123 weeksSponsor
Horizon Therapeutics Ireland DACCiudad de Buenos Aires
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Study to evaluate HZN-825 in patients with Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis (dcSSc)
This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, repeat-dose, multicenter trial for HZN-825, a selective antagonist of lysophosphatidic acid receptor-1 (LPAR1). Participants will be screened within 4 weeks prior to the Baseline (Day 1) Visit. Approximately 300 participants who meet the trial eligibility criteria will be randomized on Day 1 in a 1:1:1 ratio to receive HZN-825 300 mg QD, HZN-825 300 mg BID or placebo for 52 weeks. Participants will take their first dose of trial drug at the clinic and will return to the clinic for trial visits at Week 4 and every 6 weeks thereafter until Week 52. Participants who complete the Double-blind Treatment Period (Week 52) may be eligible to enter a 52-week extension trial (HZNP- HZN-825-302). Participants not entering the extension will return to the clinic for a Safety Follow-up Visit 4 weeks after the last dose of trial drug.
139 weeksSponsor
Horizon Therapeutics Ireland DACCiudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
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Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Multi-Center Phase 3 Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Fostamatinib in COVID-19 Subjects
Condition: COVID-19 Treatment: Fostamatinib / Placebo Clinical Study Identifier: NCT04629703
Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Buenas Aires
A Study on the Safety and Immune Response of a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Vaccine in Adults 18-64 Years of Age and Clinical Efficacy in Females 18-64 Years of Age
This clinical trial consists of 2 parts. Part 1 will consist of antigen dose-escalation (start with least dose with gradual increase in dose) Safety Lead-In (SLI) in healthy participants. Part 2 (Proof of Principle [PoP]) will start after the safety review of all safety data in Part 1 and will consist of participants with history of at least 1 episode of urine culture confirmed E. coli UTI in the last 12 months prior to the study intervention administration.
141 weeksSponsor
GlaxoSmithKlineBuenos Aires
Healthy Volunteers
SCAD : a Registry of Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection
Observational, multicentre, international retrospective and prospective cohort study. Since this is an observational study, a formal sample size is not necessary. At least 500 prospectively recruited patients and 500 historical cases will be enrolled. Patient data will be collected at the following time-points: - First SCAD event visit (retrospectively on chart review) - First follow-up: at time of enrolment - Yearly follow-up: up to 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years post enrolment or until study completion Approximately 30 countries and 120 sites will participate in this registry.
353 weeksSponsor
European Society of CardiologyBuenos Aires
Buenos Aires
ARTEMIS - A Research Study to Look at How Ziltivekimab Works Compared to Placebo in People With a Heart Attack
115 weeksSponsor
Novo Nordisk A/SBuenos Aires
A Phase III Study of Dato-DXd With or Without Durvalumab Compared With Investigator's Choice of Chemotherapy in Combination With Pembrolizumab in Patients With PD-L1 Positive Locally Recurrent Inoperable or Metastatic Triple-negative Breast Cancer
The primary objective of the study is to demonstrate superiority of Dato-DXd + durvalumab relative to ICC + pembrolizumab by assessment of PFS as assessed by BICR in participants with PD-L1 positive locally recurrent inoperable or metastatic TNBC. The study will be stratified based on geographic location (US/Canada/Europe vs. Dato-DXd monotherapy enrolling countries vs. rest of world), disease-free interval (DFI) history (de novo vs. prior DFI 6 to 12 months vs. prior DFI > 12 months), and prior PD-1/PD-L1 treatment for early stage TNBC (yes vs. no). This study aims to see if Dato-DXd with durvalumab allows patients to live longer without their breast cancer getting worse, or simply to live longer, compared to patients receiving standard of care chemotherapy and pembrolizumab. This study is also looking to see how the treatment and the breast cancer affects patients' quality of life.
283 weeksSponsor
AstraZenecaBuenos Aires
International Non-selection Study for ERA® Test in Patients With Previous Implantation Failures
Endometrial receptivity takes place in a self-limited period of time during the endometrial mid-secretory stage. This period, named as window of implantation (WOI), is modulated by molecular changes allowing embryo implantation. The Igenomix group developed a molecular tool able to classify the endometrium based on its transcriptomic profile, the Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA®). This molecular tool analyzes, by next generation sequencing (NGS), the expression of 248 genes related to implantation, coupled to a computational predictor, to identify the specific transcriptomic profile for each endometrial phase. This test has been applied clinically since 2010 to improve clinical implantation, helping to synchronize a viable embryo with a receptive endometrium through the personalized embryo transfer (pET). Apart from receptivity, there are other approaches to study the impact of the endometrial factor in infertility. One of those is the analysis of the endometrial microbiome (set of microorganisms that live in the endometrium). A reduced presence of certain beneficial microorganisms (mostly, bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus) or even the presence of a pathogenic microbiota in the endometrium could be associated with worse reproductive outcomes, affecting embryo implantation, pregnancy and consequently reducing the number of births. Igenomix has also developed the Endometrial Microbiome Metagenomic Analysis (EMMA®) as a diagnostic method to assess the microbiome content of the endometrium. Both, ERA® and EMMA® analyses, can be performed with a single endometrial tissue sample collected when maximum receptivity is commonly expected. The main questions this study aims to answer are: 1. If a pET in a specific receptive endometrial transcriptomic profile is related to a higher Ongoing Pregnancy Rate (OPR) (≥ 12 gestational weeks; fetal heartbeat diagnosis) in patients with at least one previous implantation failure. 2. To identify new potential biomarkers and other factors that, if related with the WOI, could help to predict an optimal embryo implantation. Once the study is approved by the competent Research Ethics Committee of each center, the recruitment and selection of patients will follow. Every potential participant will be asked to sign the study informed consent. To comply with the study design and the proposed hypothesis, a total number of 738 patients has been estimated, considering a 30% dropout rate. This is a multicenter, international, competitive, non-selection (prospective cohort) study designed with two phases: - Non-selection phase (double-blinded design). Participants will follow their previously programmed IVF/ICSI treatment and the resulting embryo/s will be tested for chromosomic anomalies with the Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidies (PGT-A) at Igenomix. When at least one euploid/low-range mosaic blastocyst is reported, the patient will be scheduled for the only additional visit related to the study to collect the endometrial fluid and biopsy samples that will be used to determine the patient's WOI (ERA®) and endometrial microbiome (EMMA®). The results of neither of the tests will be disclosed to the patient or the doctor. Therefore, regardless of the endometrial status, the patient will follow the pre-established schedule for a subsequent regular frozen embryo transfer (FET) within the standard WOI (after 120±6 hours of progesterone exposure) in a hormone replacement therapy (HRT) cycle. After the FET, participants will be followed up as routine by their gynecologist. - Rescue phase (open design). The ERA® test result may be disclosed, under request, to those patients who did not achieve an ongoing pregnancy on the non-selection phase. These results could guide a subsequent personalized euploid/low-range mosaic blastocyst transfer (pET) in a new HRT cycle, when the patient is most receptive. Data exported from the medical records and source documents will be duly codified to protect the clinical and personal information of patients in accordance with the current legislation on data protection. This information will be exported to an electronic Case Report Form (eCRF). An interim data analysis will be carried out once the 30% of the embryo transfers corresponding to the non-selection phase is achieved. It will help us to assess the enrollment rate, protocol compliance and an early evaluation of the study objectives. Patient´s participation will comprise an estimated total time of up to 18 months, corresponding to 1 month for the stimulation cycle and PGT-A, 1-2 months for endometrial samples collection, 1-2 months for the embryo transfer and up to 13 months to follow-up the clinical outcomes.
155 weeksSponsor
IgenomixBuenos Aires
Healthy Volunteers