Medellin - Antioaquia, Colombia
Effectiveness of Physical Exercise of Patients With Chronic Non-communicable Disease
Non-communicable diseases represent a significant burden on public health worldwide. These are the main cause of premature mortality and disability in the Americas and represent two thirds of all deaths in the region. Comprehensive understanding of the relationship between frailty, body composition, exercise (aerobic and strength) and diseases such as COPD and diabetes, is essential to develop effective preventive and therapeutic strategies. This can not only have an impact on the quality of life of affected individuals, but also in reducing the global burden of these diseases and their comorbidities. In this sense, diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disorders that is characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, due to a defect in insulin secretion, a defect in insulin action, or both. In addition to hyperglycemia, alterations in fat and protein metabolism coexist. Sustained hyperglycemia over time is associated with damage, dysfunction and failure of several organs and systems, especially kidneys, eyes, nerves, heart and blood vessels. On the other hand, physical exercise has proven to be an effective intervention because it improves insulin sensitivity, facilitates glycemic control and reduces cardiovascular risk, also because it helps in managing body weight and improves quality of life in general. On the other hand, COPD is a chronic respiratory pathological condition characterized by a persistent limitation of expiratory airflow that is partially reversible; It remains one of the main public health problems and is the fourth cause of mortality in the United States. It is known that, within the clinical manifestations or symptoms, there is an impact on the state of health, quality of life and daily activities, which contribute to an increase in levels of anxiety, depression, risk of exacerbations and a worse prognosis of the disease. Performing physical exercise in this population is of vital importance because it improves lung capacity and the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, improves exercise tolerance through strength and resistance training, which makes it easier to perform daily tasks due to to the reduction of symptoms such as dyspnea, reducing exacerbations and hospitalizations, which translates into a better quality of life. Based on the previous problem, since 2017 the Alma Mater Clinic of Antioquia proposed a comprehensive care program for patients with chronic diseases called "Ser mas" Pluripathologicos, which includes 5,000 patients from the metropolitan area who live near the health center. . In 2021, they published their first study with the objective of evaluating the predictive validity of a classification method based on functional status, the presence of risk factors and the control of comorbidity, on the use of emergency services and hospitalization. , mortality and health care costs in older adults with NCDs. The results describe that functional capacity is an element that could inform and direct intervention actions in this population. Additionally, it suggests that objective measurements of functional status and the presence of frailty in patients with NCDs could be key elements to identify individuals with health needs and guide their interventions in an effective and individualized manner for their well-being. From the above, the current research arises, which aims to evaluate the effectiveness of physical exercise on the frailty, body composition and functional classification of patients with NCDs.
52 weeksSponsor
Fundacion Universitaria Maria CanoMedellin, Antioquia
Efficacy and Safety of Tozorakimab in Symptomatic Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease With a History of Exacerbations.
221 weeksSponsor
Prospective Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies Levels in a Vaccinated Population of Valle de Aburra
After being informed about the study, all patients giving written informed consent will undergo a serial IgM -IgG COVID-19 antibodies blood test and SARS-Cov-2 PCR by nasopharingeal swab, that will be taken at the beginning of the study and mensually for two months. During the study will be done an active search for SARS-CoV-2 infections in the vaccinated people cohort, and if it is posible to characterize the variant of SARS-CoV-2 in participants previously vaccinated against this pathogen. The main objective of this study is to describe the pattern of antibodies blood test based in the type of vaccine and correlated the pattern of antibodies SARS-Cov-2 levels in a population of Valle de Aburrá.
13 weeksSponsor
Universidad de AntioquiaMedellin, Antioquia
Healthy Volunteers
A Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Multiple Therapies in Cohorts of Participants With Locally Advanced, Unresectable, Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
566 weeksSponsor
Hoffmann-La RocheMedellin
A Rollover Extension Program (REP) to Evaluate the Long-term Safety and Tolerability of Open Label Iptacopan/LNP023 in Participants With Primary IgA Nephropathy
This is an open-label, non-randomized, multicenter roll-over extension program (REP) to: - CLNP023X2203, a Phase II trial investigating the dose ranging effects of LNP023 on efficacy, pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD), safety and tolerability in primary IgAN patients, and - CLNP023A2301, a Phase III trial, investigating the efficacy, pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD), safety and tolerability of LNP023 in patients with primary IgAN. Subjects completing the CLNP023X2203 and CLNP023A2301 trials on study drug, who want to continue treatment and who meet the inclusion/exclusion requirements of the roll over extension program, will have the opportunity to receive iptacopan until: - 3 years from LPFV of this study CLNP023A2002B, or - the participant no longer derives benefit from iptacopan according to the Investigator, or - the benefit-risk profile of the product in IgAN is no longer positive, or - initiation of maintenance hemodialysis, kidney transplantation or eGFR < 15 mL/min/1.73m2 , or - the product becomes commercially available in a specific country following product launch and subsequent reimbursement for IgAN, where applicable, or - if a marketing application or reimbursement of an investigational product is rejected/not pursued in a region/country for the indication under study or which ever is sooner
580 weeksSponsor
Novartis PharmaceuticalsMedellin, Antioquia
Phase 2 Trial of Adagrasib Monotherapy and in Combination With Pembrolizumab and a Phase 3 Trial of Adagrasib in Combination in Patients With a KRAS G12C Mutation KRYSTAL-7
The Phase 2 portion of this study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of MRTX849 as monotherapy and in combination with pembrolizumab. There will be 3 cohorts of patients, all of whom have KRAS G12C mutation, have advanced or metastatic NSCLC, and are candidates for first-line treatment. 2 cohorts have PD-L1 TPS score <1% and are randomized to MRTX849 monotherapy or MRTX849 in combination with pembrolizumab. The 3rd cohort has PD-L1 TPS score of 1% or higher and is treated with MRTX849 and pembrolizumab The Phase 3 portion of the study will randomize patients with squamous or nonsquamous NSCLC with KRAS G12C mutation and TPS >=50% in the first-line setting to adagrasib plus pembrolizumab or pembrolizumab. Primary efficacy objective is to compare efficacy between experimental and comparator arms. Secondary and exploratory objectives include evaluation of secondary efficacy endpoints, safety and tolerability, adagrasib PK, PROs, and correlative genomic biomarkers for the combination regimen in the study population. MRTX849 is an orally available small molecule inhibitor of KRAS G12C, and Pembrolizumab (KEYTRUDA®) is a humanized monoclonal antibody that blocks the interaction between PD-1 and its ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2.
465 weeksSponsor
Mirati Therapeutics Inc.Medellin
Medellin, Antioquia
A Study Evaluating the Efficacy of Budesonide, Glycopyrronium and Formoterol Fumarate Metered Dosed Inhaler on Cardiopulmonary Outcomes in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
This is a Phase III randomized, double-blind, parallel group, multi-center event-driven study comparing BGF MDI 320/14.4/9.6 μg BID with GFF MDI 14.4/9.6 μg BID in participants with COPD who are at risk of a cardiopulmonary event.
211 weeksSponsor
A Research Study to Evaluate How Well Etavopivat Works in People With Sickle Cell Disease
188 weeksSponsor
Novo Nordisk A/SMedellin, Antioquia
The Effect of Retatrutide Once Weekly on Cardiovascular Outcomes and Kidney Outcomes in Adults Living With Obesity (TRIUMPH-Outcomes)
253 weeksSponsor
Eli Lilly and CompanyMedellin, Antioquia