Ejido, Spain
Can the Use of a Next Generation Partograph Improve Neonatal Outcomes? (PICRINO)
Study Title Can the use of a next generation partograph based on WHO's latest intrapartum care recommendations improve neonatal outcomes? A stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial (PICRINO). Primary Objectives To compare two different guidelines for monitoring labor progress, the the World Health Organization (WHO)'s Labour Care Guide (LCG) with standard care, and evaluate: Adverse neonatal outcome, a composite outcome of perinatal mortality and neonatal morbidity. Neonatal morbidity will include five-minute Apgar score <7, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy II-III, intracranial hemorrhage, neonatal seizures, meconium aspiration syndrome, and admission to a neonatal unit. The rate of intrapartum cesarean section. Secondary Objectives Secondary outcomes will be a composite of severe neonatal outcomes including five-minute Apgar score <4, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy II-III, intracranial hemorrhage, neonatal seizures and meconium aspiration syndrome and other relevant neonatal outcomes. Obstetric outcomes will be mode of delivery, oxytocin use, postpartum hemorrhage, perineal laceration (grade II-IV), duration of labor, women´s and partner´s experiences of childbirth, healthcare providers experiences of and compliance to LCG and economic considerations. Study Design A multicenter, stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial. Study Population All women in active labor at participating delivery units in Sweden. Power analysis With significance level 0.05, the power to detect the anticipated risk reduction (20%) would be >0.999. Study Duration 2023-2025
203 weeksSponsor
Linkoeping UniversityHudiksvall
Remote Exercise SWEDEHEART Study
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, this study will be performed in two steps: 1). National feasibility and safety study. 2). National multicenter registry-based cluster randomized crossover clinical trial (RRCT). 1. In the feasibility study, patients will be offered remote exCR at all participating sites until the peak of the pandemic has been achieved and care goes back to normal. The feasibility study will include patients until Aug 2022. 2. CR centers (not patients) will be cluster randomized to either the intervention or control. Patients at intervention centers will be offered remote exCR, usual care centre-based exCR, or a combination of both modes, as self-preferred choice. At control centers, patients will be offered usual care centre-based exCR only. The duration of each time period for each center will be 15 months. Long-term follow-up will be performed 1 year and 3 years after the index cardiac event.
435 weeksSponsor
Sahlgrenska University Hospital, SwedenHudiksvall