Last updated: June 30, 2023
Sponsor: Oregon Health and Science University
Overall Status: Active - Recruiting
Reproductive Health
Tissue sample storage
Clinical Study ID
IRB Number: IRB00005031
NIH Grant: U54RR024347
Ages 18-41 Female Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Study Summary
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Woman between the age of 18-41 years who will undergo surgery, chemotherapy, drugtreatment and/or radiation for the treatment or prevention of a medical condition ormalignancy expected to result in permanent and complete loss of subsequent ovarianfunction or have a medical condition or malignancy that requires removal of all orpart of one or both ovaries.
- Patients may have newly diagnosed or recurrent disease. Those who were not enrolled atthe time of initial diagnosis are eligible if they have not received therapy that isviewed as likely to result in complete and permanent loss of ovarian function.
- For patients undergoing elective removal of an ovary for fertility preservation only,have two ovaries.
- Patients who already have stored cryopreserved ovarian tissue in a frozen state priorto undergoing cancer treatments (surgery, chemotherapy or radiation) will be eligiblefor enrollment with informed consent.
- Signed an approved informed consent and authorization permitting the release ofpersonal health information. The patient and/or the patient's legally authorizedguardian must acknowledge in writing that consent for specimen collection has beenobtained, in accordance with institutional policies approved by the U.S. Department ofHealth and Human Services.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Women with psychological, psychiatric, or other conditions which prevent giving fullyinformed consent.
- Women whose underlying medical condition significantly increases their risk ofcomplications from anesthesia and surgery.
Study Design
Total Participants: 25
Treatment Group(s): 1
Primary Treatment: Tissue sample storage
Phase: 4
Study Start date:
May 01, 2009
Estimated Completion Date:
March 31, 2025
Study Description
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Oregon Health and Sciences Universtiy
Portland, Oregon 97239
United StatesActive - Recruiting
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