Last updated: April 3, 2023
Sponsor: Imelda Hospital, Bonheiden
Overall Status: Active - Recruiting
Dizzy/fainting Spells
Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)
N/AClinical Study ID
Ages > 14 All Genders
Study Summary
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patients must be in sinus rhythm and have ≥3 syncopes during the last 18 months* and aprevious positive tilt table test (TTT) with a cardioinhibitory or mixed response (VASIS I, IIA or IIB classification).
- syncopes occurring during TTT are not taken into account
- Patients have a 'preserved cholinergic SN reserve', defined as ≥20% sinus heart rateincrement during a pharmacological test with atropine.
Exclusion Criteria:
- <14 years age
- Any unstable medical condition, life expectancy <12 months
- Inability to provide consent or undergo follow-up
- Syncope due to a non-cardiac disease or due to an advanced neuropathy
- Moderate to severe valvular or subvalvular aortic stenosis or mitral stenosis
- Overt heart failure or left ventricular ejection fraction <45%
- Current pregnancy
- Chronotropic negative medications unless judged mandatory
- 4 g amiodarone intake during the 2 months preceding enrollment
- Alternating RBBB and LBBB, HV interval >70 ms
- LBBB, bifascicular block (RBBB + LAHB, RBBB + LPHB)
- PR interval permanently >240 ms
- Pacemaker or automated implantable cardioverter defibrillator device
- Permanent AF, PAF or electrical cardioversion during the last 6 months
- Channelopathy
- Tilt table test with VASIS III response or with VASIS II response and AV-Block
Study Design
Total Participants: 110
Study Start date:
March 24, 2021
Estimated Completion Date:
September 01, 2024
Study Description
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Bonheiden, 2820
BelgiumActive - Recruiting
Algemeen Ziekenhuis Sint Jan
Brugge, 8000
BelgiumSite Not Available
Universitair Ziekenhuis Gasthuisberg
Leuven, 3000
BelgiumActive - Recruiting
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