Neurologic Disorders
Clinical Study ID
Ages > 18 All Genders
Study Summary
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Written informed consent
- Age ≥18 years
- Histological diagnosis of cancer (hematologic or solid tumors).
- Part 1: Treatment with antineoplastic agents that induce peripheral neuropathy inneoadjuvant, adjuvant, or metastatic scenario; Part 2: Treatment with taxanesperipheral neuropathy inducers in the neoadjuvant, adjuvant, or metastatic scenario.
- Peripheral sensory neuropathy grade 2 or higher on upper limbs as per NCI-CTCAE v5.0.and with alteration of the Semmes Weinstein monofilament test.
- Part 1: Diagnosis of peripheral sensory neuropathy during treatment withantineoplastic agents drugs that induce peripheral neuropathy or up to 2 weeks afterthe last chemotherapy infusion; Part 2: Diagnosis of peripheral sensory neuropathyduring treatment with peripheral neuropathy-inducing taxanes or up to 2 weeks afterlast chemotherapy infusion.
- Part 1: Patients with chronic symptoms related to peripheral sensory neuropathy whohave completed treatment with peripheral neuropathy-inducing antineoplastic agents formore than 2 weeks and without any exclusion criteria, may be included. Part 2:Patients with chronic symptoms related to sensory peripheral neuropathy who completedtreatment with peripheral neuropathy-inducing taxanes for more than 2 weeks and noexclusion criteria, can be included.
- Patients using neuropathic pain modulators will be allowed if there is no doseadjustments in the last 2 weeks and if sensory symptoms persist related to CIPN, or ifthe use is for another indication.
- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance Status (PS) of 0 to 2.
- Documented willingness to use an effective contraceptive method while participate inthe study for male patients with partners or female participants with the potential tobecome pregnant.
- Part 1: Hand skin and cuticles must be intact. Part 2: Skin of hands, feet andcuticles must be intact.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Prior treatment with gonyautoxins or any small molecule neurotoxins.
- Female participants who are pregnant (positive urine pregnancy test), who have aninfant they are breastfeeding, or intend to become pregnant within 3 months.
- History of peripheral sensory neuropathy attributed to any cause other thanchemotherapy.
- Patients receiving systemic treatment that has among its common side effects (> 1%)peripheral neuropathy, or who have received the same within the last 2 weeks. The useduring the study of systemic drugs such as hormone therapy (e.g. tamoxifen, aromataseinhibitor, etc), or other agents that do not have among their common side effects (>1%) peripheral neuropathy, will be allowed.
- Patients with grade 2 CIPN with perceived improvement of symptoms.
- Changes in neuropathic pain modulators will not be allowed.
- Any other therapies for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy must bediscontinued at least 2 weeks before the first dose of study drug.
- Known hypersensitivity reaction to PSP Neuro serum.
- Patients with a known or suspected shellfish allergy.
- No dermatologic lesions on hands and feet and cuticles that might increase systemicexposure of the investigational medicinal product (IMP).
- Distal muscle weakness and/or atrophy.
- History of alcoholism or alcohol intake of 168g (21 units) for men and 112g (14 units)for women per week on a regular basis (time > 3 months). 1 unit = 10mL = 8g of purealcohol.
- Clinically significant abnormalities of glucose metabolism as defined by any of thefollowing:
- Diagnosis of type I or II diabetes mellitus (regardless of management) that havesymptoms attributable to diabetic neuropathy pre-treatment with chemotherapy.Well-controlled diabetic patients (regardless of management), previouslyasymptomatic may be included.
- Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C) ≥8.0% at screening.
- Fasting serum glucose ≥ 160 mg/dL at screening. Fasting is defined as no caloricintake for at least 8 hours.
- Vitamin B12 deficiency defined as < 250 ng/mL.
- Phosphate levels above upper limit of normal (ULN).
- ECG: QTc interval (Fridericia Formula) ≥ 450ms.
- Positive Tinel and/or Phalen test.
- Participation in another clinical trial and any concurrent treatment with anyinvestigational drug within 4 weeks prior to trial entry / randomization.
- Surgery, radiotherapy, or systemic therapy that in the investigators' opinion mightinterfere/ worsen symptoms and the evaluation of peripheral neuropathy within 2 weeksprior to trial entry /randomization.
- Any other finding giving reasonable suspicion of a disease or condition thatcontraindicates the use of an investigational drug or that may affect theinterpretation of the results or renders the patients at high risk from treatmentcomplications.
- Unresolved clinically significant toxicity from prior therapy except for alopecia.
- Failure to adhere to study treatment and follow-up procedures.
Study Design
Study Description
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Nucleo de Oncologia da Bahia
Salvador, Bahia 40.170-110
BrazilActive - Recruiting
Oncoclínicas Vitória
Vitória, Espírito Santo 29050-400
BrazilActive - Recruiting
Oncoclinicas do Brasil Servicios Medicos SA
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais 30.360-680
BrazilActive - Recruiting
Centro Oncológico do Triângulo S.A.
Uberlândia, Minas Gerais 38408-150
BrazilActive - Recruiting
Oncoclínicas João Pessoa
João Pessoa, Paraíba 58030-080
BrazilActive - Recruiting
Recife, Pernambuco 50070-460
BrazilActive - Recruiting
Oncoclínicas Florianópolis
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina 88015-020
BrazilActive - Recruiting
Oncoclinicas Rio de Janeiro SA
Rio de Janeiro, 22250-905
BrazilActive - Recruiting
Centro de Paulista de Oncologia
Sao Paulo, 04538-132
BrazilActive - Recruiting
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