Diabetes Prevention
Online Lifestyle Behavioral Therapy
Phentermine Hydrochloride 8 MG
Clinical Study ID
Ages 18-70 All Genders
Study Summary
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
BMI 30-44.9 kg/m2 or BMI 27-29.9 with weight related comorbidity (includinghypertension, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, nonalcoholicfatty liver disease, treated obstructive sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, low back pain,gastroesophageal reflux disease)
Has a smartphone or other device with regular internet access
Interested in and willing to lose weight as a result of treatment
Able to take oral medication and willing to adhere to the clinical visit schedulefor the trial and lifestyle based treatment regimen throughout the study duration,as recommended by the study clinician
For females of reproductive potential: use of effective contraception for at least 1month prior to randomization and agreement to use such a method during studyparticipation and for an additional 8 weeks after the end of study drugadministration
Provision of electronically-signed consent form
Stated willingness to comply with all study procedures and availability for theduration of the study
Exclusion Criteria:
History of coronary artery, cerebrovascular or peripheral arterial disease includingmyocardial infarction, unstable angina, revascularization, stroke/TIA, carotidintervention, claudication
Poorly-controlled blood pressure (>149/94) or elevated heart rate (>110 bpm)
History of cardiac arrhythmia
Active / currently-treated hyperthyroidism
History of glaucoma or been told by an ophthalmologist that you are at high risk forglaucoma
Heavy alcohol use within the last 6 months (men: more than 4 drinks on any day ormore than 14 drinks per week; women: more than 3 drinks on any day or more than 7drinks per week)
History of substance use disorder or active use of illicit substances within thelast 12 months. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-containing products will not beconsidered an illicit substance.
Use of a drug in the monoamine oxidase inhibitor class, currently or within the last 14 days
Currently pregnant or lactating/breastfeeding; intention to get pregnant in next 24months; seeking or in active treatment for infertility
End-stage renal disease on dialysis or CKD class IV or higher (eGFR <30)
History of valvular heart disease
Congestive heart failure (any history or current)
Cirrhosis or symptoms of liver failure in the last 2 years
Severe pulmonary disease requiring supplemental oxygen
Quit using nicotine-containing products less than 6 months prior to baseline visitor intention to quit use in the next 2 years
Use of oral corticosteroids more than 5 days/month in the last 3 months
Elevated depressive symptoms
Uncontrolled anxiety symptoms
Hospitalization for mental illness in the last 24 months
Diagnosis of dementia or serious mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia, bipolardisorder, severe depression)
Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia or Anorexia Nervosa diagnosis or treatment within thelast 2 years
Prior procedure for weight control (including bariatric surgery, devices)
Use of phentermine, phentermine-containing medication, or anti-obesity medicationwith similar mechanism of action to phentermine (e.g., phendimetrazine ordiethylpropion) in the previous 24 months
Use of any non-phentermine-containing medications prescribed for weight loss inprevious 12 months
Unstable dose of weight-loss-promoting medications within the last 12 months.Weight-loss-promoting medications are medication prescribed for another condition,but are known to have weight loss effects. Examples would include use of a GLP1agonist or SGLT2 inhibitor in patients with diabetes; use of topiramate amongpatients with migraine headaches.
Use of any stimulant medications in previous 12 months
Known allergy or intolerance to phentermine or phentermine-containing medication
Documented or self-reported weight change (gain or loss) of more than 5% of currentbody weight in the past 3 months
History of cancer other than non-melanoma skin cancer in the past 5 years
History of organ transplantation
Plan to move outside the area in the next two years
Unable to make changes to diet (e.g., severe food allergies or intolerances;medically necessary aspects of diet incompatible with intervention)
Already participating in another research study that includes lifestyle changesand/or study medication or has participated in such a study within the last 12months
Total body weight that exceeds 400 lbs., precluding use of the digital scale in thelifestyle intervention
Upper arm circumference that exceeds 50 cm, precluding use of the OMRON HEM 907 XLto measure blood pressure
Other concern or medical comorbidity that, per discretion of study clinician, wouldrender the participant unfit or unable to safely take part in the 24-monthintervention
Study Design
Study Description
Connect with a study center
Kaiser Permanente Southern California
Los Angeles, California 90034
United StatesSite Not Available
Johns Hopkins Medicine - Green Spring Station
Lutherville, Maryland 21093
United StatesSite Not Available
HealthPartners Institute
Maple Grove, Minnesota 55369
United StatesSite Not Available
HealthPartners Institute
Saint Louis Park, Minnesota 55416
United StatesSite Not Available
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Weight Management Center
Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27104
United StatesSite Not Available
UT Center for Obesity Medicine and Metabolic Performance
Bellaire, Texas 77401
United StatesSite Not Available
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