Rectal Disorders
Rectal Cancer
Colon Cancer
Rectal resection with diverting stoma
Rectal resection without diverting stoma
Rectal resection with permanent colostomy
Clinical Study ID
Ages 18-99 All Genders
Study Summary
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age 18 years or older
- Verified rectal adenocarcinoma by biopsy
- Tumor located in the rectum with lower border of the tumor located 15 cm or less fromthe anal verge.
- Given informed consent
Exclusion Criteria:
- Advanced tumor stage requiring exenterative surgery beyond a convetional APR or TME.
- Stage IV disease
- Synchronous colon cancer necessitating a total colectomy
- Other concomitant disease(s) which will complicate participation.
- Unwillingness to give informed consent
Study Design
Study Description
Connect with a study center
Asker og Baerum Hospital
Bærums Verk, Gjettum 1346
NorwayActive - Recruiting
Østfold Hospital Trust
Sarpsborg, Grålum 1714
NorwayActive - Recruiting
Akershus University Hospital
Oslo, Lørenskog 1478
NorwayActive - Recruiting
Haukeland University Hospital
Bergen, 5009
NorwayActive - Recruiting
Bodø Hospital
Bodø, 8005
NorwayActive - Recruiting
Vestre Viken Hospital Trust
Drammen, 3004
NorwayActive - Recruiting
Gjøvik Hospital
Gjøvik, 2819
NorwayActive - Recruiting
Hamar Hospital
Hamar, 2318
NorwayActive - Recruiting
Helse Fonna
Haugesund, 5528
NorwayActive - Recruiting
Sorlandet Hospital HF
Kristiansand, 4615
NorwayActive - Recruiting
Helse Nord-Trøndelag HF
Levanger, 7600
NorwayActive - Recruiting
Ullevaal University Hospital
Oslo, 0450
NorwayActive - Recruiting
Sykehuset Telemark
Skien, 3710
NorwayActive - Recruiting
Helse Stavanger HF
Stavanger, 4019
NorwayActive - Recruiting
University Hospital of North Norway
Tromsø, 9019
NorwayActive - Recruiting
St. Olavs Hospital
Trondheim, 7030
NorwayActive - Recruiting
Vestfold Hospital Trust
Tønsberg, 3103
NorwayActive - Recruiting
Ålesund Hospital
Ålesund, 6017
NorwayActive - Recruiting
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