Liver Metastases
Liver Cancer
Breast Cancer
Clinical Study ID
Ages > 18 All Genders
Study Summary
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Patients must be at least 18 years of age at the time of signing the informedconsent.
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status 0 or 1.
Patients must have histologically or cytologically confirmed solid tumor, primarilyincluding but not limited to breast, ovarian, pancreatic, endometrial andhepatocellular carcinoma, that is advanced unresectable and/or metastatic diseasefor whom standard therapies do not exist or are no longer effective
Patients must have measurable disease as per Response Evaluation Criteria in SolidTumors (RECIST) v1.1.
Adequate baseline organ function and hematologic function
Life expectancy >3 months
Exclusion Criteria:
Systemic anti cancer therapy within 4 weeks of first dose of study drug
Major surgery (as defined by the Investigator) within 4 weeks of first dose of studydrug.
Uncontrolled intercurrent illnesses
Known history of LIPA deficiency, such as Wolman disease or Cholesterol esterstorage disease.
Study Design
Study Description
Connect with a study center
The Kinghorn Cancer Center
Sydney, New South Wales 2010
AustraliaActive - Recruiting
Cancer Research SA
Adelaide, South Australia 5000
AustraliaSite Not Available
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