Clinical Research Participants Needed! Study # J-34800

Last updated: July 19, 2024
Sponsor: Altasciences LA
Overall Status: Active - Recruiting




Healthy Volunteers

Healthy Patient Studies



Clinical Study ID

  • Ages 18-45
  • All Genders
  • Accepts Healthy Volunteers

Study Summary

Altasciences LA (a clinical research organization located in Cypress, CA) is currently conducting a clinical research trial of an investigational oral medication for cardiac disease with healthy Japanese participants.

Eligibility Criteria


<p><strong>Qualifications to Participate:&nbsp;</strong></p><ul><li>Healthy Japanese males and females</li><li>Age 18 to 45</li><li>Non-smokers for the last 3 months</li><li>Non-marijuana users</li><li>Available for&nbsp;2 screening visits, a 10-night stay, and 1&nbsp;follow-up call</li></ul>

Study Design

Study Start date:
Estimated Completion Date:

Study Description

<p><strong>Participation Compensation:</strong></p><ul><li>Compensation up to $8,100</li><li>Trial related procedures at no cost</li><li>Transportation assistance may be available</li></ul>

Connect with a study center

  • Altasciences LA

    Cyprus, California 90630
    United States

    Active - Recruiting

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